IDSVA Undergraduate Tuition Fees

The Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts Undergraduate Tuition Fees – This fee is the amount Undergraduate Students are to pay for the semester or the year.

Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts Undergraduate Tuition Fees

Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts has released the undergraduate tuition fee for all the programs offered in the institution for this academic year. To access the tuition fees, please go to the school website, or you can see the schedule below.

IDSVA Undergraduate Tuition Fees

2022-23 Tuition

For the Academic Year May 2022–April 2023

Annual Tuition: $47,600

Tuition is paid for 3 years, for the Course of Study.

Dissertation Preparation Fee: $2575 per semester.

Most dissertations require 4–6 semesters of Dissertation Preparation.

Estimated Annual Costs

Travel $1880
Meals $570
Books $800
Total $3250

Travel, Food & Lodging

Annual Tuition includes most residency costs. IDSVA provides room and board during the sixteen day residency at Spannocchia Castle and covers lodging costs at all other residency locations. IDSVA also covers the cost of travel during a residency period, as for example, from Spannocchia to Paris, and for all museum admissions. Students are responsible for travel cost to and from residency locations, as for example, between their home and Italy, and between their home and Mexico City. In all locations except for Spannocchia Castle, students are responsible for most of their own meals.
There are no other fees

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