Granite State College Undergraduate Admission & Requirements

The Granite State College Undergraduate Admission requirements for the academic year have been released. The list contains the names of applicants that have been accepted into the school.

Granite State College Undergraduate Admission & Requirements

The management of Granite State College Admission has released the list of Undergraduate requirements for admission into the institution.

Granite State College Undergraduate Admission & Requirements

Admission is granted to students who earned a high school diploma, completed a high school education in a homeschool setting under state law, or demonstrate high school equivalency. Successful completion of one of the following exams will be required for demonstrating high school equivalency: the GED, HiSET, or TASC.

Required for Admission

A high school diploma, homeschool equivalent, or GED is required for admission.

Transferring Credit

If you have earned college credit at another institution and would like it evaluated for transfer to Granite State College, complete the appropriate information on the “Previous College Information” page of the application. Official transcripts are required for each college entered.

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