Curry College Graduate Tuition Fees

The Curry College Graduate Tuition Fees – This fee is the amount Graduate Students are to pay for the semester or the year.

Curry College Graduate Tuition Fees

Curry College has released the Graduate tuition fee for all the programs offered in the institution for this academic year. To access the tuition fees, please go to the school website, or you can see the schedule below.

Curry College Graduate Tuition Fees

M.Ed. programs:
The fixed tuition is $18,938 (approximately $557 per credit x 34 credits) and no fees.

PSL program:
The fixed tuition is $12,811 (approximately $557 per credit x 23 credits) and no fees.

CAGS program:
The fixed tuition is $20,052 (approximately $557 per credit x 36 credits) and no fees.

Alumni receive a 20% tuition discount for all credited programs excluding ACCEL.

Curry College Contact

1071 Blue Hill Ave, Milton, MA 02186
