GCB Bank Limited Contact Address, Phone Number, Email, Website

GCB Bank Limited Contact Address, Phone Number, Email, Website.

GCB Bank Limited Contact Address, Phone Number, Email, Website

About GCB Bank Limited 

GCB Bank Limited formerly known as Ghana Commercial Bank is the largest bank in Ghana in terms of total operating assets and share of industry deposits, with 14.2% of total industry deposits. In August 2017, the Bank of Ghana, the nation’s central bank, announced that it had approved a Purchase and Assumption transaction with GCB Bank Limited for the transfer of all deposits and selected assets of UT Bank and Capital Bank (Ghana) to GCB Bank Ltd.

GCB Bank Limited Contact Details include information about the physical location, telephone contacts, email addresses, etc. You can contact the bank through the contact details published below;

GCB Head Office
P. O. Box 134

Corporate Affairs

Head Office
+233 30 2663964

Email: corporateaffairs @ gcb.com.gh

Telephone: +233 30 2681531
+233 30 2681533
+233 30 2634922
+233 30 2246025
+233 30 2254101

Website: https://www.gcbbank.com.gh/

For any form of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the bank directly via their official website or through the contact details above.

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