IHT Hotel School Contact Details

IHT Hotel School Contact Details – Physical Address, Email Address, Phone Number & Mail Address.

Are you searching for the IHT Hotel School Contacts? If that is what you are searching for, you are welcome to this page.

We have published the IHT Hotel School Contact details below as extracted from the institution’s website.

About IHT Hotel School

IHT Hotel School is reg­is­tered by the Depart­ment of Higher Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing as a Pri­vate Higher Edu­ca­tion Insti­tu­tion offer­ing ter­tiary edu­ca­tion in the field of hos­pi­tal­ity. At IHT Hotel School we edu­cate and equip stu­dents with the skills that will enable them to become the lead­ers in tomorrow’s hos­pi­tal­ity sector.

Know­ing that a qual­ity aca­d­e­mic ser­vice is the key, a learn­ing envi­ron­ment is cre­ated that encour­ages stu­dents to pur­sue intel­lec­tual and per­sonal growth and which guar­an­tees the cur­rency, rel­e­vancy and integrity of the qual­i­fi­ca­tions offered.

IHT Hotel School Contact Details


3 Riesling Street,
Oude Westhof,
Cape Town, SA

For information and inquiries, you can contact the IHT Hotel School by visiting the institution’s official website.