Felma College Grading System

Felma College Grading System – Check the full Grading System & Considerations of the Felma College.

The Felma College is one of the prestigious universities in Kenya. Like other Technical and Vocational Colleges, they have a system of grading for the various programmes offered in the College.

Examinations are regulated by the various examination bodies concerned, and the regulations are as follows;

1. Each registered course unit shall be evaluated through course work and a two-hour final examination.

2. To be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Commerce degree, a candidate will have passed the minimum number of course units prescribed for each level of study.

3. All examinations shall be governed by the following rules:

  • Each course unit shall be graded out of one hundred (100) marks;
  • The final examination shall constitute seventy percent (70%) and coursework the remaining thirty percent (30%) of the marks in each course unit offered and taken in any semester except for the MRP;
  • MRP shall be done in only one area of specialization and is graded out of one hundred percent (100%);
  • The grading system in each course unit will be as follows:
Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E
Points 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  • The pass mark in each course unit shall be forty percent (40%);
  • A candidate who fails an examination in any course unit shall be allowed to sit for a supplementary examination in or repeat the failed course unit. The maximum mark         awarded for a supplementary or repeat examination is 40%;
  • A candidate who fails an examination in an elective course unit may opt to take a different course unit if the candidate is not inclined to sit for a supplementary examination in or repeat the failed course unit;

4. On the recommendation of the School Board, a candidate who  takes the maximum number of course units (currently six) in any semester, sits University Examinations in all, and fails in a maximum of two may be eligible for compensation in the failed course unit(s) provided that:

  • His/her mean mark for that particular semester is 50% or above
  • The score on the failed course unit does not fall below 35%
  • Each mark in the failed course unit will be compensated by a loss of two marks in a passed course unit up to a maximum of 10 marks.

5. A candidate who, for acceptable cause, fails to sit for a final examination at the scheduled time may, on the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners to the University Senate, be allowed to sit for a special examination.  A special examination is a University examination in accordance with Rule 3.4.

6. A candidate who fails to satisfy the School Board of Examiners may, on the recommendation of the Board to the University Senate, be required to sit for supplementary examination in, or repeat the failed course unit not more than two times If the candidate fails after sitting supplementary examinations or repeating the failed course unit twice he/she shall be discontinued from the program.

7. A candidate who passes the University Examinations and who, in other respects qualifies for the award of the degree, shall be placed in one of the three classes to be described as First, Second (Upper Division or Lower Division), and Pass.  Honors shall be awarded to a candidate whose name is placed in the First Class or Second Class (Upper or Lower Division).

8. A candidate who qualifies for an award of the degree after sitting for supplementary examination in, or repeating any course unit in Part II twice shall be awarded a pass degree.

9. The aggregate score of the Bachelor of Commerce degree shall be based on the assessment of the performance of the candidate in Years/Levels I, II, III, and IV of study with 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% weights respectively.

The average grade is based on performance in the eight subjects. Where a candidate sits for more than eight subjects, the average grade is based on the best eight subjects. University matriculation is based on the best eight and performance in particular subjects relevant to degree courses. Example below:

English 1 B+ 10
Kiswahili 1 A- 11
Mathematics 1 A 12
History & Government 3 B 9
Geography 3 A- 11
Physics 2 B+ 10
Chemistry 2 B- 8
Biology 2 A- 11

The total number of points is 81.

The average grade is 81 divided by 8, which equals 10.1 (approximately 10.0 points) which is Grade B+ according to the grading system. This student qualifies to join one of the Public Universities for his good score. Training institutions and faculties and departments determine their own minimum entry requirements.